Improve your bottom line with My Receptionist’s
chiropractic answering service.
When you partner with My Receptionist’s chiropractic answering service, you won’t have to worry about the hassle of answering calls while you’re growing your practice. We have you covered whenever you need extra help. You work with patients while we handle your patients’ customer service needs.

Partner with a Chiropractic Answering Service
24/7 Support | Genuine People | Highly Trained
We’ve worked with chiropractors for over a decade. As a result, we understand you’re busy caring for patients throughout the day. Let us handle all patient’s questions while you help your patients. We’re your trusted chiropractic answering service.

On-call, after-hours,
whenever you need us.
We can answer your calls anytime of the day. We’ll answer all day or after hours. Simply forward your phones to us when you’re busy and we’ll do the rest! If you’re worried about the cost, we’ll find a price to fit your budget for our chiropractic answering service.
Chiropractic Appointment Scheduling
Our chiropractic answering service will not only take messages, but we’ll even make appointments for your patients. We’ll schedule new and existing patient appointments. We can even offer any add-on services your patients may need.

Flexible pricing options for any chiropractic office
We’re there for your customers when you can’t be. Therefore, you never miss an opportunity because you didn’t have time to get to the phone. We’re your go-to chiropractor answering service…we have your back anytime.
70 Minutes Included
Per month
150 Minutes Included
Per month
235 Minutes Included
Per month