Virtual Receptionist for Lawyers: 5 Reasons Why You Need One

Many people malign virtual receptionists because they think they offer limited customization and standardized scripts. This kind of limited customizability can hurt businesses in industries that need detail-focused and complex solutions.

However, some quality services, such as My Receptionist, offer a full suite of features that go beyond the limited services. They provide online scheduling, appointment reminders, and secure mobile messaging as part of their features.

Virtual receptionists like My Receptionist can help businesses in complex industries by offering a multitude of services. If you are a lawyer looking for a virtual receptionist or you want to grow your small-to-mid-sized business, then keep reading.

We will show you how a virtual receptionist can help you do more and earn more.

How a Virtual Receptionist for Lawyers Streamlines Your Practice

A virtual receptionist for lawyers and SMBs – small-to-mid-sized businesses – does more than just answer calls. They are essential to the growth and customer care of your practice thanks to the benefits and services that they have to offer.

Let’s discuss how and why virtual receptionists are essential for the growth of your practice.

Increased Productivity

Productivity is the lifeblood of success because you simply can’t make more without doing more. However, anyone running their own law practice or small-to-mid-sized business will know that time is limited.

How can you possibly handle your clients and their needs when you’ve also got to: 

  • Answer the phone
  • Book appointments
  • And send out appointment date reminders

Handling all of these matters while still having to take care of your day-to-day tasks is costing you money. Lots of it.

In fact, a Zippia study has revealed that U.S. companies lose an average of $1.7 million per year per 100 employees because of time-wasting! Wouldn’t you consider it a waste of time handling work that a virtual receptionist could easily handle? Rather than draining your own time and money, optimize your business instead.

Even if you are capable of being your own receptionist, it’s clearly not sustainable. Not to mention that you are placing a hard cap on the growth of your business. This is yet another area where a virtual receptionist for lawyers and SMBs can help.

With a virtual receptionist, the entirety of customer or client onboarding gets completely handled. 

While you are sorting through important files or contacting suppliers, your clients/potential customers will be handled by a friendly and professional virtual receptionist who specializes in answering questions.

Round-the-Clock Availability

In 2020, during a six-month-long study, a hospice agency received 1,596 calls after hours. That’s around an average of 10.3 calls a night. Let’s suppose that for every ten calls you receive, three of them materialize into an actual client. 

Suppose that each client of yours earns you $325 to $800 per deal; these are, of course, low estimates. This means that by not answering the phone, you could potentially miss out between $975 to $2,400 a night! Once again, these are only low estimates, the actual figures could be higher.

You do the math on how much you are potentially losing a month due to being unable to handle calls after hours. For those in law and other related fields, this is an issue that only a virtual receptionist for lawyers can solve.

Having someone always ready to answer calls can only benefit your business. 24 hours a day and seven days a week phone answering services, like those provided by My Receptionist, can prove to be a big boon for businesses.

Ask yourself, how many calls to your firm go unanswered, and how much money did you lose per call?


What does it mean to be professional or to come across as professional? More often than not, being considerate and focused can be a big indicator of professionalism. People aren’t likely to do business with someone that doesn’t come across this way.

Consider then how focused you can be answering a client’s needs when you are too busy worrying about sending out appointment reminders. Could you possibly come across as considerate if you have to leave the room or call just to answer another call?

Even if these common scenarios weren’t an issue, by handling all the work on your own, you’ll be too tired to give your clients the customer service they deserve.

When 46% of corporate America is walking out because they feel underappreciated, you can bet that the same also applies to clients and leads. Shaking off a bad impression can be extremely difficult. The negative word of mouth can also be destructive to your business’s standing.

These problems compound, and over time you could find yourself completely ostracized. Virtual receptionists go far beyond just answering phone calls. They help you maintain your image and keep your clients happy.

Call Screening

In 2020 alone, an estimated 46 billion scam calls were made. In fact, the average individual receives 18 scam calls a month on a global level. We’ve all had to deal with these annoying and time-consuming calls in our lives.

They can be especially frustrating when trying to run a business. A virtual receptionist can help clear out the noise by screening your calls. Telemarketing and other nuisance messages won’t ever reach your business again! 

Call screening can go further than just stopping robo or scam calls. If there is a client that you must reach before all others, a virtual receptionist can help sort your calls. Only allowing through the specific individual that you urgently need to hear from.

It all helps maintain a bit of your privacy as well. This is because you get to:

  • Know the reason behind a call
  • Know who is calling
  • And all without directly exposing yourself

A virtual receptionist removes the waste from your phone lines, only letting through messages that hold value. 


Naturally, a growing business is likely to receive more phone calls. Top-tier answering services like Always Answer are easily scalable and thus able to handle the load. Always Answer has call centers and automated phone services that busy law firms and successful SMBs need to continue thriving.

These call centers are built to take on the influx of calls that often occur when a firm is handling a big case. Even businesses that aren’t a part of the legal field experience heavy call increases depending on the time of year. 

It’s during these moments when being able to answer and address as many calls as possible is paramount to a firm’s success. Additionally, in terms of scale and availability, no in-house receptionist team could ever compete with a business that specializes in call services. 

Full-suite answering services like Always Answer place the utmost importance on quality customer care because they don’t succeed unless you do. What more reason could you need to trust that they’ll handle your calls with care?

Best Virtual Receptionist for Lawyers

As mentioned earlier, many virtual receptionist services have built up a negative reputation for themselves due to the lack of quality services that they offer. 

All of the benefits listed above can only be experienced by using a quality virtual receptionist service. In this regard, My Receptionist is the industry-leading virtual receptionist for lawyers and small-to-mid-sized businesses.

Not only does My Receptionist specialize in taking on law firms as clients, but they also have a quality team ready to serve you. My Receptionist reached its leading position by constantly innovating. Finding new ways to better serve their clients.

A Secure Virtual Receptionist for Lawyers

One key innovation is the secure mobile messaging service that My Receptionist offers. This service offers secure messaging that is available for your:

  • Smartphone
  • Smartwatch
  • Tablet
  • And desktop computer

By encrypting your messages, you ensure that sensitive client information is handled with care and remains private. My Receptionist’s encrypted messaging service also works on any Android, Apple, or Windows device.

My Receptionist is an industry leader because of the following:

  • It protects your client’s and your information
  • Seamlessly integrates into your firm
  • And even provides you with an online scheduling platform

Why settle for a virtual receptionist service that hasn’t taken the time to innovate and improve upon industry standards? My Receptionist’s competitors couldn’t go above and beyond for the sake of their own business, why would they do it for you or your firm?

The Right Virtual Receptionist for Lawyers

A virtual receptionist for lawyers and SMBs can transform the way your firm works. You might be harming your business if you don’t try out a quality virtual receptionist service like My Receptionist.

You can either learn how My Receptionist works or contact us. It only takes a few minutes to optimize your business, save your time, and enhance your customer service.

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